Saturday, July 30, 2011

Still Alive...kinda

I have not written in here in almost 2 months. I will confess 1. I am lazy 2. I have had a bunch of other things going on in my life 3. I am poor, so buying new things is out of the question. Here are explanations to each:

  • Nuff said, I go to work I come home I sleep sometimes I cook and eat. If you have been following the weather, the eastern USA is just awful and muggy right now. Not a good AC unit = lack of desire to turn on my stove.
Going on  
  • Moved to Southern Jersey
  • Changed jobs
  • Car sploded
  • Car sploded again 
  • Again, lack of funds is stopping me from buying new toys. Plus dedication to work equals lack of time to formulate new ideas. 
A friend of mine suggested changing the format of this blog, as buying new things will eventually put me on welfare. In the near future, I will probably be writing recipes using the products I have purchased on top of purchasing new stuff. Remember I am open to suggestions, they give me a jumping point. So please help.


  1. Microwave pressure cooker
    Cook 'n Stir
    Frozen pasta sheets (perfect manicotti - no muss, no fuss)

    What else do you need?

  2. Recipes for sure... you should start a day blog.. Like themes for each day, fun things that you can do weekly. Example... Thirsty Thursdays... talk about a different drink (ones you make with your soda machine.) or Freaky Friday and write about something horrible you saw online about food or soemthing......
